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Friday, August 26, 2011


Greetings, everybody!

     I assumed you knew that this is my second blog =D or my second 'place' I call it. (click to know where my first crib is). As you may notice, I kinda turn my blogs into my home. With a bit of some concept and all that. I like it a lot, because here I could explain much about things. I can't really tell my deepest feeling except to my best pals, they're the only guys who understands. Literally understands, because people just don't get the way I speak (You know, I laugh, I cry, tell a bit of how I feel, then laugh again, then joke around, and laugh again, and there would be a complete silence, I remembered that I was about to tell my feelings, so I cried a bit when I remembered. Then I got bored. No one got the point of my story, then. THE END). I guess blog is the only place I could describe clearly how I feel.

     So from now on I'm gonna call this a 'place' instead of 'blog'. I hope you get what I meant..................I'm a freak, you know. No, I'm quirky. No, I guess I'm just different. I mean, everybody was supposed to be different, right? That's what makes us who we are.

     What is this place anyway? Check the URL, it's Which it is, because this place is all pink. I call it La Vie En Rose, it's French, it kinda means "Life in pink (rose)" in literally English, but it meant "Life through rose-colored glass". It's some kind of expression of telling how sweet life is, to tell that I am okay, I'm happy with who I am and my life, also to express my thankfulness to God for what's given. Well, your place reflected you, so I hope this place reflected myself as LIVING IN HAPPINESS.

Wish everyone a pink life!

Au revoir~

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