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Sunday, January 29, 2012

You know what? I love my friends.

Hari Sabtu kemaren (28 Januari 2012) anak-anak Pua lagi pada di Ruang Osis. Entah apa yang terjadi Dito sok2 jadi akmil, terus sok sok kung fu, dan yang terakhir Dito sama Dhika main knock knock. Here's how it goes:

Dhika: Knock knock!
Dito: Who's there?
Dhika: Awan
Dito: Awan who?
Dhika: Awanna be with you
Sisanya: wakakakakakakaka

here's another one:

Dhika: Knock knock!
Dito: Who's there?
Dhika: Awan
Dito: Awan who?
Dhika: Awanna killyou!!!!
Dito: Bosenn ah ganti dong!
Sisanya: hahahahahahaha

And here's my favourite <3

Dhika: Knock knock?
Dito: Who's there?
Dhika: Ta
Dito: Ta who?
Dhika: Tempeeeee

Ain't it good to know, you've got a friend~

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Catatan Perjalanan: Puncak Pangrango (4-6 September 2011)

1. Akbar Deyaharsya (Boboy)
2. Anis Puspita Utami (Anis)
3. Ananda Elise N. (Nanda)
4. Ardhi Rasy Wardhana (Ardhi)
5. Dhiatamayo Fadhlika (Dhika)
6. M. Imam Alkautsar (Imam)
7. Nadhifa M. Utami (Diva)
8. Pranaya Arthita (Thita)
9. Rohma Febriani Putri (Puput)

Terlambat dari waktu janjian awal, tapi semuanya udah ngumpul di rumah Budhenya Dhika, Ardhi belum ada kabar. Imam hampir gak ikut.
Ardhi blg bakal nyusul, jadi yang lain duluan pergi dan makan di Solaria di Rest Area Cibubur. Poni mbak2 Solarianya lepek semua, aneh. Salah satu mbak2 Solaria ngajak debat gara2 pesanan minumannya ada yang gaada.
Kami berdelapan sampai di kaki Gn. Gede Pangrango.
Kami berdelapan ke Green Ranger. Sampai di Green Ranger beberapa dari kami main kartu, tapi sisanya ngobrol dan siap-siap tidur. Ardhi datang, lengkap kami bersembilan. Tadinya orang2 di Green Ranger sempat meragukan kami naik, apalagi ke Pangrango yang jalannya lebih sulit dari Gede, tapi kami tetap memutuskan untuk naik, tetapi dengan 1 guide dan 1 porter (tadinya kami berencana utk tidak menggunakan guide). Kami bermalam di Green Ranger.

Bangun, main, foto-foto, makan, siap-siap berangkat.

Mulai naik, dengan Ardhi sbg leader.

Melewati Rawa Gayonggong (lihat gambar)

Sampai di Panyangcangan, istirahat sebentar.
Melanjutkan perjalanan, sampai di Air Panas. Salah satu dari kami sedikit tercemplung, sebaiknya hati-hati jika melewati Air Panas karena beruap panas dan batu agak licin jadi sedikit berbahaya. Lalu lanjut ke arah sedikit atas, dan melewati banyak lebah, beberapa dari kami terserang lebah. Ada yang tau gmn cara mengatasi lebah?
Melewati Kd. Batu
Sampai di Kandang Badak. Kami istirhat lagi disana, sholat, mengisi cadangan air untuk ke atas karena di atas tidak ada lagi air. Kami juga memasak beberapa mie. Hari mulai malam, jadi kami berganti celana panjang agar tidak kedinginan.

Melanjutkan perjalanan. Di sini ada 2 belokan, ke kiri untuk ke Puncak Gede dan ke kanan untuk Puncak Pangrango. Mulai gelap, semua senter dikeluarkan. Kami ambil kanan untuk ke Pangrango. Jalan menuju Pangrango (berbeda dgn Gede yg lebih terbuka dan merupakan bebatuan) dihalangi oleh banyak pohon melintang, dan jalan lebih curam. Karena hari sudah makin malam, mungkin semua sudah mulai capek. Jalan makin curam dan mengecil, sehingga salah satu dari kami ada yang terperosok. Udara semakin dingin dan tipis. Jalan terasa berputar-putar dan jauh, mungkin karena kami capek atau karena pepohonan disana mirip, yang jelas perjalanan terasa berputar2.
Dengan Rahmat Allah yang maha Kuasa, kami semua sampai di Puncak Pangrango. Karena hari sudah sangat malam dan tenaga kami sangat kurang, kami tdk berhenti di Puncak, tetapi langsung turun sedikit ke Mandalawangi untuk membuat camp disana.
kami sampai di Mandalawangi, di kanan kiri kami terlihat banyak Edelweiss yang belum mekar sepanjang jalan. Kami memilih tempat utk memasang tenda. Udara semakin dingin dan kami sulit bergerak. Akhirnya tenda dan minuman energen jadi. Kami minum energen sebelum tidur.
Kami terbangun sekitar jam 9:00 dan kami gagal melihat sunrise. Tapi kami tetap ke puncak dan foto-foto disana sebelum turun. Kami juga memasak nasi dgn abon dan sardin untuk dimakan sebelum kami turun.
Kandang Badak
Air Panas
Kami sampai di Kaki Gn. Gede Pangrango.

"Every step is one step closer"

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dimana Aku Disini by Naif

Bilakah engkau mengerti
Semua yang ada dihatiku ini

Kuhanya ingin dekatmu
Namun kau slalu meniadakan aku

Bukankah oh...

Kau yang slalu bilang
Slalu bilang tuk tetap aku disini

Tak kah berarti?

Bahwa yang kau bilang
Yang kau bilang kita saling memiliki

Dimana aku disini?
Dimana aku disini
Dimana aku disini

Pernahkah engkau sadari?
Bahwa kau slalu meniadakan aku

Bukankah oh...

Kau yang slalu bilang
Slalu bilang tuk tetap aku disini

Tak kah berarti?

Bahwa yang kau bilang
Yang kau bilang kita saling memiliki

Dimana aku disini?
Dimana aku disini
Dimana aku disini

(click) to download

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Welcome to LA VIE EN ROSE

Just found so many at, let's pretend that these are what we'll find in La Vie En Rose :D

 This is how the full moon looks like. A beauty, isn't it? Only happens once a year in the middle of winter
 And this is the pathway to townsquare
 This is The Pink Forest, it is forbidden for tourists on winters because the route are somehow winding. Or other choices are tourists could come in with a guide, which is quite expensive on winter
 This is Madame Dorothee's house. She's a fortune teller, but not just. She listen to your problems 24 hours and 7 days, and ask for very little money as a repay. Rich peoples in La Vie En Rose often takes care of her needs because she is awfully nice.
 This is what is called Downtown. Find shops and hotels here if you're a traveler who got less money, almost everything here aren't expensive
 The Ocean of La Vie En Rose, a luxurious way to get to La Vie En Rose
 Sweet Candy Shop, I lurfffff this place!
 The Marriage Building!!!!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Some wonders may applied here.... 
 The Twisted House, everything here are twisted
 L'esprit de l'escalier. Whatever it is inside this pink door, no one knows
And this is...........a Nowhere. Nobody nowadays has found this place, they said "The only key to perfection is flaw" I don't get the meaning, but it sounds............

This is Christmas! Ho ho ho~

This town is really really sweet, well, almost everything. I'm sure every place in the world has a flaw (even in an imaginary town like this).
This is Les abandonnés (The Abandoned), mean and bitter people aren't allowed free in La Vie En Rose. But don't worry, once they really have been good, they are allowed to join themself as a citizen of this Town.
And this is a sad burndown. It's called Weedemon Tragedy. This is the old "The House" which is a little house, but very sacral, and beloved. This house belongs to every single person in La Vie En Rose, long ago, before it burned out in all of a sudden.

Now let's take a look at my house:
 This is what it looks outside (Yes, the winters are much longer here)
(Left) This is my breakfast this morning
(Right) I just baked this cupcake for an afternoon tea
 This is my sweet kitchen
 And this is my PINK book.

Well everything here is imaginary~~

Long Time Out

Bonjour ☼

I see that I hadn't been writing for quite a long time. I hardy left the room at my house in this town, I've been locked up (Okay stop, it's just my dad forgot to pay the internet so I can't use my modem to blog).

I'm glad I could sit back, relax and write again, yeay! There's much that I wanted to tell, and hopefully I didn't miss anything, enjoy me next posts :]

Sunday, August 28, 2011

J'aime Devis (I Love Quotes)

     I do love quotes very much, especially from songs. I could easily memorize lyrics off by heart, and turned it into sentences.
"No me ames, pues te haré sufrir con este corazòn que se llenó de mil inviernos"
(Don't love me, because I would make you suffer with this heart of mine that was filled with a thousand winters)
No Me Ames - Jenifer Lopez & Marc Anthony
     This song depicture a  broken-hearted man who happened to love a woman, and who also happened to had the woman under his arm. But he realized that he won't do anything but suffer her, because of his broken heart. She told him she could heal him, but all she got was tears. He loved her, he wants her to stay, but he can't hurt her any further. Do Not Love Me is the English for No Me Ames.
(click to download)
(click for lyric)

"But life is life, and things will change like scenes upon an actor's stage"
20 Good Reasons - Thirsty Merc
     Unlike No Me Ames above, 20 Good Reasons clearly tell a guy who's in a desperate need of this certain girl and refusing to let her off, even though he knew he had to. It says there that he'll lose everything if he loses her, and he badly want her to stay. But if she's still willing to go, he asks for 20 good reasons for letting her go.
(click to download)
(click for lyric)

"Broken lover, yes I made you. Believe that I would be the one to heal you. And if you go now out that door way, I won't say you're wrong, but you know that I worry about you"
 Worry About You - 2am Club
     The girl was tired with the boy. The boy promised to what the girl needs. She wanted better. She put all her faith in him, but he ended up still roamed just like her father left her. The boy understood, but he told her that he worries about her too much, because he believe (or at least wanting) he's the only one to heal her.
(click to download)
(click for lyric)

"All the roads that lead to you there were winding, and all the lights that light the way are blinding. There are many things that I would like to say to you  but I don't know how"
Wonderwall - Oasis
     This is a song about a guy who put all his faith in a girl. He hoped that she'll realize what she needs to do, because it appears that he really count on her. She's his 'wonderwall', he said. Their relationship is quite difficult, but he knew that this too shall pass, it's just taking a while.
(click to download)
(click for lyric)

"Now I'm gonna dress myself for two, one for me and one for someone new. I'm gonna do something you wouldn't let me do, I'm gonna find another you"
I'm Gonna Find Another You - John Mayer
     Mr. Mayer amazingly made the situation how he once had a girl, but she broke his heart. He regretted and he wanted her back (notice the past tense?). He later decided to find another girl, though his heart remained for the girl who has left him completely broken clearly veiled by "If I'm forced to find another, I hope she looks like you, yet, she's nicer too".
(click to download)
(click for lyric)

C'est tout pour aujourd'hui, profitez-en!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tribute To Arsya

Profitez du clip :] 
J'espère que vous aimez!

note: I can't say anything more, this is too............................xxxx